Contact Form Demo (#3)

Gen3 image intensifier tube(GaAs)FOM1800+

GEN3 Image intensifier tube GaAs

Compared with the Gen2+ image intensifier tube, the Gen3 image intensifier tube uses GaAs photocathode. GaAs is more efficient in converting photons into electrons, can provide better resolution and sensitivity, and can provide better observation effects in darker environments.


Compared with the Gen2+ image intensifier tube, the Gen3 image intensifier tube uses GaAs photocathode. GaAs is more efficient in converting photons into electrons, can provide better resolution and sensitivity, and can provide better observation effects in darker environments.

Performance Parameter NV3-6 NV3-7 NV3-8 NV3-9
Resolution (lp/mm) Limit Resolution ≥61 ≥64 ≥64 ≥64
Strong Light Resolution (@100kx) ≥5 ≥5 ≥5 ≥5
Sensitivity 2856K Light Sensitivity μA/lm ≥1800 ≥1800 ≥2000 ≥2000
880 Radiation Sensitivity mA/W ≥95 ≥95 ≥95 ≥95
Signal-to-Noise Ratio ≥28 ≥28 ≥28 ≥30
Luminance Gain (cd/m2/lx) 11000-20000 11000-20000 12000-25000 12000-25000
E.B.I(x10lx) ≤2.5 ≤2.5 ≤2.5 ≤2.5
Output Brightness (cd/m2@1lx-10lx) 4-12 4-12 4-12 6-12
Brightness Uniformity (@2856K) ≤3:1 ≤3:1 ≤3:1 ≤3:1
2.5 lp/mm 88% 89% 89% 89%
MTF 7.5lp/mm 72% 74% 74% 74%
15 lp/mm 54% 60% 60% 60%
25 lp/mm 30% 35% 35% 35%
Working Life(hours) 7500 10000 10000 10000
Operating Voltage (V) 2.2-3.4 2.2-3.4 2.2-3.4 2.2-3.4
Weight (g) ≤80 ≤80 ≤80 ≤80
Small High-voltage Power Supply DC high voltage power supply or automatic gated power supply
Effective Cathode Diameter (mm) ≥17.5
Electric Connection End lead/Contacts
Fluorescent Screen Type P43/P45
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Contact Form Demo (#3)